Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 7, 2019

New Blogger Widget To Show Recently Updated Posts

New Blogger Widget To Show Recently Updated Posts

Are you a regular blog post updater? and you want to show your recently updated posts to your visitors but you can't because blogger doesn't have such widget. No problem 101Helper is here to help you and in this post I have a exclusively new widget which is not available on other blogs. Its a new widget which show all the posts you have just updated. In this post I will share its iframe code as well as source code so that you can use it for you desired purpose.

Before we move to steps and code of widget I would like to show you demo of this widget along with some info about it. So here is demo of Recently Updated Posts Blogger Widget.

You can see that this widget is showing all the recently updated posts along with date. This widget is best for blogs which have selling products or any blog with software so that visitors can see which software has a new version now.

Best place to show this widget on is Homepage of your blog but you can show it anywhere you want.

Now lets install it in your blog.

How To Install Recently Updated Posts Blogger Widget?

Step 1: Go to blogger and navigate to Layout.


Step 2: Click on add a gadget and a window will pop-up.



Step 3: Select HTML/JAVASCRIPT and copy below code.
<iframe src="" style="border: 0; height: 440px; width: 100%;"></iframe>

Step 4: Paste it and substitute with your blog's homepage url.

Step 5: Save your widget and visit your blog to see it live.

How To Install Recently Updated Posts Blogger Widget Inside Post?

If you want to put this widget inside your post like I did in this post, you can do it by putting the same code which is in step 3 above in your post's HTML editor.

Where else can you show this widget ? Well everywhere, its universal code you can even add it in wordpress or any webpage and it use same code for all blogger blogs but changes the data according to the link given.

In blogger this can be added in the blog theme code below every post or above post and anywhere in blog.

Source Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>Updated Posts</title>
<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1' name='viewport'/>
<link href=',400italic,400,500,500italic,700,700italic,900%7CMaterial+Icons' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
body {
#updated-posts {
    color: #808080
}li.update a {
    color: #2196F3;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-weight: 300;font-family:'Roboto'; font-size: 13px;
li.update {
    height: 60px;
    overflow: hidden;
    list-style: none;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
    padding: 0;
    border-top: 1px solid #fdfdfd;
  .imgupdate { float:left; margin:5px 10px 0 5px }
  .tgl-com { display:block;font-size: 11px;
    padding-top: 5px;}
  ol#updated-posts {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
}li.update a:hover {
    color: #00ab60;
.credit {
    Float: right;
    font-size: 70%;
    text-decoration: none;
    right: 10px;
    position: relative;
    top: 10px;
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if(pair[0] == variable){return pair[1];}
<ol id="updated-posts"></ol>
    var homePage = getQueryVariable("url"),
        numPosts = 5
function updatedPosts(a) {
    if (document.getElementById("updated-posts")) {
        var e = a.feed.entry,
            title, img, link, date, content = "",
            ct = document.getElementById("updated-posts");
        for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (e[i].link[j].rel == "alternate") {
                    link = e[i].link[j].href;
            var title = e[i].title.$t,
                pd = e[i].published.$t.substring(0, 10),
                date = pd.replace(/-/g, "/");
            if ("media$thumbnail" in e[i]) {
                img = e[i].media$thumbnail.url
            } else {
                img = ""
            content += '<li class="update"><img src="' + img.replace(/\/s72-c/, "/s40-c") + '" class="imgupdate" alt="thumb" height="40px" width="40px"/>';
            content += '<strong><a href="' + link + '" target="_blank">' + title + '</a></strong><span class="tgl-com"> Updated on: ' + date + "</span></li>";
        ct.innerHTML = content
var you_script = document.createElement('script');
you_script.src = homePage + '/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&orderby=updated&max-results=7&callback=updatedPosts';

<div class="credit"><a href="">Get this widget.</a></div>
I hope you found this post helpful. If not leave your feedback in comments. Thanks for visiting.

Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 6, 2019

Telling Google, and visually-impaired people, about the pictures in your blog

This article is about why and how to attach keywords and related text to the pictures in your blog posts.  This is helpful for both search engine optimisation (SEO), and for making your blog accessible to people who use screen-reader software.

Pictures and your blog

Blogger has a set of tools for putting pictures into your blog, including several options for putting images into posts or gadgets. 

In most cases, the other content in each post provides enough information for Google's indexing tools to know what the post is aobut.

But if your blog mainly has photos, your posts may not have enough key words to get properly indexed.  And even if the image-indexing tools do some auto recognition, a description of a picture written by a human being  will almost always be better than one which was created by a computer.

Also, if your blog's visitors may include visually impaired people or others who use screen-reader software, then you need to think about how well your content will work for them:  if you important information is inside images but not in the text, then they won't be able to get this information in any way.

These two good reasons for adding "alternate text" to your pictures - and there may be more.

What's even better is that Blogger now has a tool for to make it easy to do this.

How to add captions and alt-text to pictures in Blogger

Add the picture to your Post.

In Compose mode, float your mouse over the picture.   This will show the picture-editing-toolbar, like this:

Choose the Properties option.

This opens a dialog box where you can enter
  • A title - this is shown when a visitor hovers their mouse over the picture
  • Alt text - this is kept in the background, and only displayed to people who (for whatever reason) cannot see the picture.

What your readers will see

People who read your blog on line, either with a standard browser or an RSS feed reader, won't see anything different, until they hover over the photo.   When they hover, they will see the text you put into the Title field.

People who read your blog in their email (because you've offered a subscribe-by-email option) may see the alt text instead of the picture, depending on what setting they have in their email system.

People who use screen reader software will have the text that you added read out to them in the usual way that their software works.

And most importantly, search engines will see the text you added, and hopefully the will use it in indexing your post.

Other Alternatives

The Post and Pages editor also has an Add Caption option on the photo toolbar, although I only recommend using  if you're comfortable editing HTML, because it puts the picture into a table, and so to move it inside the post you need to edit the code, not just drag-and-drop it.

Related Articles

Tools for putting pictures into your blog

Addingng a Picasa slideshow to your blog

Tools for applying copyright protection to your blog

Why RSS/Subscribe to Posts is important for your blog.

Adding a subscribe-by-email option to your blog

Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 6, 2019

What Is Ads.txt And How To Add It In Blogger?


In simple words Ads.txt is a new thing which I think is useless but Google and others are complicating things for no reason so a new thing has come which is called Ads.txt and Google Adsense is now showing a notification which says:

"Earnings at risk - One or more of your ads.txt files doesn't contain your AdSense publisher ID. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue."

Other networks which also requires to use ads.txt is Infolinks.

What is Ads.txt?

Ads.txt is an IAB-approved text file that aims to prevent unauthorized inventory sales.

In this post I will teach you how to use ads.txt in blogger and also other websites which are not on blogger can also follow this post.


Domains hosting an ads.txt file where the seller’s publisher ID isn’t listed are no longer monetized through Ad Manager, and Google no longer buys ads on such sites. Updating your ads.txt files to include publisher IDs for each site you want to monetize is recommended (learn how to update ads.txt in Ad Manager). If you use Scaled Partner Management, we recommend working with your child partners to include your publisher ID in their ads.txt files.

How To Add Ads.txt In Blogger?

Step 1. Go to blogger.

Step 2. Go to Settings  Search preferences  Monetization  Custom ads.txt ?


Step 3: Click on Edit and copy below txt and past it in the Ads.txt box., pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 


Step 4. Put your 16 digit publisher ID before saving.

How To Find My 16 digit Adsense Publisher ID?

Step 1. Go to Google Adsense.

Step 2. Navigate to Settings  Account information, you can see your 16 digits Google Adsense publishers ID here as shown in below image.


Step 3. Copy your 16 digits Google Adsense publishers ID and paste it in your ads txt.


Step 4. Save and you are done.

How to check ads.txt?

To check ads.txt just add /ads.txt after your blog link. Like this

Does it work for other ad networks?

This doesn't work for other ad networks like infolinks. Go to  infolinks to find their ads.txt

How to add ads.txt in websites other then blogger?

If you are using wordpress, there must be a ads.txt plugin for it, so simply search for it and install it. If you have your own website and you have access to root of the site, simply make a ads.txt file with this ads.txt and upload it.

I hope you found this post helpful, thanks for visiting 101helper.

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 6, 2019

Philos v4.4 - Responsive WooCommerce Wordpress Theme free download

Hey there, after a long time i'm back so you are watching for a responsive WooCommerce wordpress theme then let me present you Philos v4.4 and as you know we provide paid templates for free as usual this template is also totally free. You just have to click the download button below...
Philos v4.4


PhilosResponsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme Free download v.4.4 – ThemeForest | Philos v4.4 – Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme could be a lovely fashion look WooCommerce theme, created by prime sector leaders to help amplify all the net fashion ideas! It’s bright and appealing, and that’s a trendy look your customers area unit getting to click again and once more on the site’s link. Philos WordPress Theme contains a web site that's totally responsive and actually elegant. you'll be able to therefore generate a beautiful show of recent collections and distinctive deals. Philos WP template additionally has everything you wish to focus on your fashion product.

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Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 6, 2019

How to access Bluehost email through your Gmail

This article explains how to access email provided by Bluehost alongside your regular Gmail account or using another email client (eg Thunderbird).

If you buy hosting for your blog or website from Bluehost, then you will have email account(s) as part of the package.   This is one way to get a professional-looking email address like    instead of an amateur / throwaway looking one like

Email account(s) are created through the Email Manager tool:
  • Log into   with your Bluehost account   (which mail be gmail-integrated)
  • Click on the Hosting tab
  • Scroll down to the Email section and choose Email Manager.
As well as making accounts, you can set up forwarding rules, change passwords, etc from this screen, as well as go directly to the webmail screen.

You can also get to the webmail screen without being logged in to your Bluehost account    this is handy if you have a team-member who needs an email account, but you don't want them to have full control of your domain.   So do this, ie to read and send email messages from an email account that is hosted in Bluehost:
  • Go to (log out if you were already logged in)
  • Click Login
  • Choose webmail login.  
  • Enter the email name and password, 

You can manage the email message for your domain account from this screen.

However this is quite inconvenient:  the email account from your own domain is accessed through a different tool from your other email account(s), and it would be easy to forget to check it.

A better approach is to integrate your domain email account with your regular Gmail account, or to check it through Thunderbird or some other email client.

How to check your Bluehost provided own-domain email through your gmail account

First, get the email account details
  • Log into   with your Bluehost account   (ie NOT your email account)
  • Click on the Hosting tab
  • Scroll down to the Email section and choose Email Manager.
  • In the Email Accounts tab, note the email address, and if necessary use the View Details button to re-set the email password   (you need to know this password later in the process)
  • Click on Email-configuration:   The screen that opens shows you the other details that you will need to give gmail.   Ideally leave this tab open while you set up gmail, so you can copy-and-paste from it.

Now go into Gmail

  • Click on the gearwheel and choose Settings
  • Choose the Accounts and Import subtab
  • Scroll down to Check email from other accounts section, and choose Add an email account
  • Enter the email address that you want to add
  • Choose POP3 / Import emails from my other account
  • Use the details from the Private (with SSL) section of the Bluehost screen to fill in the account details:  the user-name should be the same as the email-address that you are adding.   Notice that the first screen is about incoming email, so you need to use the inward settings (eg port 995 for SSL)
  • On the next screen, choose Yes, I want to be able to send mail as
  • Enter the Name that you want people who get emails from this account to see.
  • Untick Treat as an Alias (mostly your'll want to untick this if you are wanting emails from your Bluehost-provided email account to be separate from your personal Gmail account - read more about the options here)
  • Fill in the outgoing mail options with the details you got from Bluehost: you need to use SSL, not TSL as recommended, and again the user-name is the email address.

Job done.   If all the settings are correct, you should not be able to see messages sent to your professional / Blue-host provided domain account inside your gmail account, and you should be able to use the Send-as feature in Gmail to send messages that 100% appear to have come from your Blue-host provided domain account.

Also, there should be enough information here for your to see how you can configure other email clients (I use Thunderbird) with your Bluehost-hosted email account.

Related Articles

There are no related articles for this topic.

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 5, 2019

Adding a separator line between your posts

This article shows how to put a horizontal separator line between posts in your blog, using either HTML's line command, or CSS rules.  It also has suggestions about ways of formatting these lines using different colours and line-styles.

There are at least four approaches to choose from if you want to put a divider between your posts in Blogger.  These days, I prefer the CSS-rule approach, because it's so easy and flexible.  But I've shown details of a few other methods too:
  • Manually add a horizontal line command to each post
  • Use the post-footer colour block as a line (in Designer templates only)
  • Add the HTML command for a line to the main section of your template, in one of the post-footers
  • Add a top or bottom-border to the CSS rule that formats the body of your posts.
The following sections give more detail about each option, including how to apply them to your blog, and their advantages and disadvantages.

Manually add a line to each post

When you are editing a post, you can put a horizontal line anywhere in the contents.

In the post-editor:

  • If  Post options > Compose Settings is set to  Interpret typed HTML, then you can just type <hr />, and Blogger will place a line like this in your post.

  • If  Post options > Compose Settings is set to  Show HTML literally, then you need to switch to the HTML tab before you type <hr />.

Disadvantage: If your post is set to display comments, or the blog is set to show the author, labels etc under the post, these items will be underneath any line that you add manually to a post.

Designer Theme - post footer colour

If your blog has a designer theme (ref, What sort of theme have I got), then the Theme Designer > Advanced tab may have an option for setting the background colour of the post-footer (depending on which theme you are using).

If you use a dark colour (or have a dark background and use a light color), this makes the post-footer look like a line.

Disadvantage:  The "line" might be a bit thicker than you like.   And if your post is set to display comments, or the blog is set to show the author, labels etc under the post, these items are shown right inside the footer line.

Add a line-command to your theme

If you don't like the other two approaches, you can change your theme to add a horizontal line.  To do this:

Edit your blog's theme in the usual way.

Most themes have three footer lines:  what is in each one depends on the theme, and how you have arranged the items in the Layout > Blog Posts editor.  Look at the theme for code like this:
       <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'><span class='post-labels'>
        <b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
          <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
            <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if>
      </span> </div>
 <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

Add the <hr /> command to which ever of the footer-lines you want it in, for example
 <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
<hr />


Advantage:  you can easily place the divider line anywhere you want it, relative to the other items in your post-footer.

Disadvantage:  you need to modify your theme, and this does have some risks.  And it does use the <hr /> tag which some people (CSS purists) suggest is not a good idea.

Enhancements to the basic <hr /> command

There are lots of ways you can modify the <hr / > code.   For example

<hr style="text-align: left;" /> -  to left-align it

<hr style="color: red;" /> -  to change the colour
<hr style="width: 50%;" /> -  to make it narrower

See w3c.schools <hr /> tag for more information. 

Add a border to the CSS rule that formats your posts

The cascading-style-sheet rules in your theme control most aspects of how your blog looks.   They can be a very powerful way to control how your blog looks - and give a quick way to add a line between your posts.

What to do

If you have a designer template, then the quick way to make this change is to add a CSS rule to your theme.  The rule code to add is:
border-bottom:1px dotted #666666;

or this one if you want the border at the top of each post:
border-top:1px dotted #666666;

Making more complex changes

The CSS rule that controls how the "body" of your posts look is .post-body.   To make changes to it:

1 Edit your theme in the usual way.

3 Look for .post-body in the rules section . It will look something like this, but  the exact lines and values may be different:
.post-body {
margin-top: 0;
margin-$endSide: 2px;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-$startSide: 3px;
 4  If you can find a .post-body rule, then add this line, just before the } character.
border-bottom:1px dotted #666666;
5    If you cannot find a  .post-body statement in the rules section of your template, then you need to add it.

Put it somewhere:
After    <b:skin><![CDATA[/*

Before  ]]></b:skin>

But not in the middle of any other rules: look at how the rest of that section of your template is laid out for clues.

The statement to add is something like the following, though you may want to try out different values for parts of it.:
.post-body {
border-bottom:1px dotted #666666;
margin-top: 0;
margin-$endSide: 2px;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-$startSide: 3px;

Alternative formats

The #666666 means draw the line in black - you may like to use a different colour, or use the word "solid" instead of "dotted" to make a firmer looking line.

As an alternative, you can say border-top:1px dotted #666666; - this puts a line at the top of the body of each post, just underneath the title.

Related Articles

What sort of theme have I got

Disadvantages of editing your blog's theme

Adding a new CSS rules to your theme

Centering the Post-title or Page-title

Putting HTML from elsewhere into your blog.

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 5, 2019

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Hey there, you want a multi-purpose html5 template right! then we have the Canvas HTML5 Template. And off course it is for free you can now download Canvas - The Multi-Purpose HTML Theme for free by just click the download button below
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Updates From Themeforest


VERSION 5.9 – 26TH APRIL 2019

- Added: Coworking Niche Demo
- Added: Recipes Niche Demo
- Added: Inner Pages for Recipes Niche Demo
- Added: Ability to add Classes to the Main Lightbox Container and the Lightbox Background Container for more control over styling of Individual Lightboxes

- Fixed: Issue with Dropdowns not working on Non-Profit Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Invalid HTML in Photography Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Invalid HTML in Photographer Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Page Menus not aligning correctly with Main Headers when Sticky on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Form Message not displaying correctly due to incorrect position
- Fixed: Issue with Focus on last clicked AJAX Lightbox items
- Fixed: Issue with Quantity Input not recognising step increament
- Fixed: Removed unnecessary linking VMaps linking in the Maps Template

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.8 – 29TH MARCH 2019

- Added: Movers Niche Demo
- Added: Conference Niche Demo
- Added: New Revolution Slider Premium Template: Fitness
- Added: New Revolution Slider Premium Template: Holiday
- Added: New Pagination Styles
- Added: New Form Template: Car Rental
- Added: New Form Template: Website Costing
- Added: New Form Template: Plan
- Added: New Form Template in Modal: Health
- Added: New Form Template in Modal: Referral
- Added: New Form Template in Modal: Feedback
- Added: New Form Template in Modal: Subscribe
- Added: New Form Template in Modal: Subscribe Top

- Updated: Revolution Slider to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition not centering on using Custom Page Loaders
- Fixed: Issue with Header Sticky Offset undefined
- Fixed: Issue with Landing Video alignment
- Fixed: Issue with SASS Variables not calculating properly for Blog, Portfolio and Shop Grids
- Fixed: Issue with Cookie Plugin Initialization

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: Non-Profit Niche Demo

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Minor CSS Issue in Interior Design Niche Demo CSS
- Fixed: Issue with Combination Filter Template
- Fixed: Issue with Mega Menu conflicting with On Click Main Menus
- Fixed: Issue with Page Loading Transitions not displaying on Pages with Infinity Scroll

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.6.1 – 11TH FEBRUARY 2019

- Fixed: Issue with Minor HTML Validation Errors
- Fixed: Issue with PHPMailer's Error Message Reason not displayed properly
- Fixed: Issue with Success Modal not displayed on Wedding Form Template
- Fixed: Issue with incorrect z-index value in Gym Niche Demo CSS File

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: Global Form Processor
- Added: Default On-Click Open/Close Menus on Mobile Devices for Better User Experience
- Added: Freelance Quotation Form
- Added: Fitness Calculator Form
- Added: Job Application Form
- Added: Restaurant Reservation Inline Form
- Added: Event Registration Form
- Added: Real Estate Enquiry Form
- Added: Feedback Form
- Added: Billing & Shipping Form
- Added: Fixed Feedback Form
- Added: Wedding RSVP Form
- Added: Modal Subscribe Form
- Added: Survey Buttons Form
- Added: WYSIWYG Editor (TinyMCE)

- Updated: Ion Range Slider to Latest Version
- Updated: Form's Documentation

- Fixed: Minor CSS Issue with Travel Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Filter not working on FAQs Page
- Fixed: Issue with Landing 3 Video and Button Responsiveness
- Fixed: Improved Forms Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Swiper Slider
- Fixed: Improved Common Height functionality

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: Course Niche Demo
- Added: Articles Niche Demo
- Added: New Icons Template listing all the Available Icons
- Added: Compatibility for working Alternate Mobile Menu with Split Menu
- Added: Ability to make Primary Menu and Page Menu sticky together

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Animate.css to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube BG Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Select Component to Latest Version
- Updated: File Uploads Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Font Icons Updated

- Fixed: Issue with Cookie Modal value not getting saved with the Browser
- Fixed: Minor Bugs in the Revolution Slider Premium News and Slider Overlays Template
- Fixed: Issue with margins in Construction Services Template
- Fixed: Issue with Subscription Form Loader not showing properly during Form Processing
- Fixed: Issue with Popular Songs of the Week in Music Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with HTML Validation in Music Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Theme Colors in App Landing Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Product Overlay Icons Alignment on IE11 in Shop Niche Demo

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Updated: SEO Demo

- Fixed: Issue with Dots Styling in the Gallery Section

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: SEO Niche Demo
- Added: Shop Niche Demo
- Added: New Header: Floating Main Header with Transparent Topbar
- Added: Ability to use Transparent Menus on Mobile Devices
- Added: Ability to use Semi-Transparent Menus on Mobile Devices

- Updated: Documentation on Responsive Utilities

- Improved: Mega Menu Column Handling
- Improved: jQuery Click Handlers/Events

- Fixed: Issue with Youtube Videos not playing on Revolution Sliders
- Fixed: Issue with Custom Grid Columns on Medium Devices
- Fixed: Removed css3-mediaqueries.js JS File Linking

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.3.1 – 1ST OCTOBER 2018

- Fixed: Issue with Floating Header Mega Menu Alignment
- Fixed: Issue with Form Processing PHP Files with incorrect PHPMailer linking

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: 7 New Revolution Slider Premium Templates
- Added: Inner Pages for Interior Design Niche Demo
- Added: Inner Pages for Writer Niche Demo
- Added: Flip Card Shortcode to display Interactive Content
- Added: Functional Shop Quantity modifier
- Added: Support for Responsive Facebook Videos

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Visual Editor to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Owl Carousel Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube BG Video Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Infinite Scroll Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Flex Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Superfish Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: DataTable Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Select Boxes Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: DatePicker Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: TimePicker Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: DateRangePicker Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap File Style Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer Form Processing Email now supports CURL for wider and secure support
- Updated: Documentation on Google Maps API Setup

- Fixed: Issue with Music Player on Safari
- Fixed: Issue with Tabs Navigation on Shop Single Templates
- Fixed: Issue with CSS3 Animations not working during Page Transitions
- Fixed: Issue with Select Dropdown in the Hero Area getting cut-off on Real Estate's Listing Template
- Fixed: Issue with Countdown Styling on Events Single Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Static Google Map not displaying on Construction Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Calendar Row Content alignment
- Fixed: Issue with Top Cart Item Description overlap with Quantity when have more Text
- Fixed: Issue with Event Single Full Width Slider Template
- Fixed: Issue with Cookie Notifications Module
- Fixed: Issue with Photography Niche Demo Dark Scheme missing Template
- Fixed: Several CSS Styling &amp Dependency Improvements
- Fixed: All Media Queries updated to match Bootstrap Media Queries

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.2.1 – 27TH JUNE 2018

- Added: 3 New Revolution Slider Templates

- Updated: Revolution Slider to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Image Hotspots not loading sometimes on Hosting Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Magnific Popup iFrame jumping

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.2 – 7TH JUNE 2018

- Added: New Niche Demo for Hosting
- Added: New Niche Demo for Photography
- Added: New Niche Demo for Bike
- Added: 7 New Inner Pages for Car Niche Demo
- Added: 5 New Inner Pages for Restaurant Niche Demo
- Added: 1 New Revolution Slider Demo

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube BG Plugin
- Updated: IsoTope Plugin
- Updated: jPaginate Plugin

- Improved: Tabs now linkable from External Links
- Improved: Responsive Tabs Functionality

- Fixed: Issue with CSS3 Spinner Style 2
- Fixed: Issue with Grid Images on Photography Demo on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Responsiveness of Real Estate Info on Single Property Template
- Fixed: Issue with Typo Mistake with CSS Comments inside Agency Demo Main CSS
- Fixed: Issue with Double <a> HTML Validation Error in Several Templates

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.1 – 3RD APRIL 2018

- Added: New Niche Demo for Gym
- Added: New Niche Demo for News
- Added: New Niche Demo for Modern Blog
- Added: New Niche Demo for Headphones
- Added: 5 New Revolution Slider Demos
- Added: RTL Example Template
- Added: Dark Example Template

- Updated: Owl Carousel Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Plugin

- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider Visual Editor
- Fixed: Issue with Swiper Slider Pagination not clickable
- Fixed: Issue with Blog Masonry not aligning properly after Flex Slides resize
- Fixed: Issue with Icons Position in Mobile Menu when open on Header Sticky Style 2
- Fixed: Issue with Touch Swipe on Carousels
- Fixed: Issue with autoPlay on Youtube BG Videos
- Fixed: Issue with Tabs customjs
- Fixed: Issue with Restaurant Niche Demos Thumbs Styling
- Fixed: Issue with Restaurant Niche Demos on RTL Layouts
- Fixed: Issue with Twitter Profile Image for Mixed https Content
- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider responsiveness on some templates
- Fixed: Issue with Footer Subscription Form on RTL Layouts
- Fixed: Issue with Layout in Tabs in the Medical Demo Departments Template
- Fixed: Issue with One Page Browser Template
- Fixed: Improved Youtube Plugin

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Fixed: Issue with Portfolio Parallax CSS
- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Footer
- Fixed: Issue with FullScreen Height Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Slider Caption Positioning
- Fixed: Issue with Shop Grid Layouts
- Fixed: Issue with Flex Slider Caption Text
- Fixed: Issue with Owl Slider Navigation and Pagination in Slider Area
- Fixed: Issue with Menu Links in Travel Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Hero Tabs in Travel Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Page Title in Hotels Inner Page in Travel Niche Demo

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.0.2 – 24TH JANUARY 2018

- Updated: Bootstrap to v4.0.0 Stable
- Updated: jQuery to v3.3.1

- Improved: Star Ratings Components Styling
- Improved: Better Spacing for Table Cells in Datepicker
- Improved: No Text Shadow helper class added

- Fixed: Issue with Shop Single Custom Linking Carousel Template
- Fixed: Issue with Duplicate Class Attributes in Restaurant Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Top Sign In Link in Interior Design Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Uploads Components
- Fixed: Issue with Off Canvas Mobile Menu not closing on touching outside
- Fixed: Issue with Date/Timepicker Plugin
- Fixed: Issue with Video Background not displaying on some Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Common Height on some Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Full Screen, Responsive Heights and Common Heights conflict
- Fixed: Issue with Pages not displaying on IE11
- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap Components styling on Dark Mode
- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap Components colors on Colors.css/php
- Fixed: Issue with Grid Layout on some Chart Templates

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 5.0.1 – 19TH JANUARY 2018

- Fixed: Issue with Button displaying Full Width on Index Corporate Layout 4
- Fixed: Issue with Landing 5 Template
- Fixed: Issue with Container Area Width when using Side Header
- Fixed: Issue with Video Grid on Car Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with 360 Images Rotator on Car Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with LESS and SASS Files

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: New Bootstrap 4 related Components
- Added: New Revolution Slider Templates
- Added: Real Estate Inner Pages
- Added: Multiple Canvas Swipers supported on the Page
- Added: Skrollr Parallax Library for smoother and better Parallax compatibility
- Added: 4 New One Page Templates
- Added: Dedicated Form Elements Template

- Updated: jQuery Library to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap 4
- Updated: Youtube Background Video Player Plugin to the Latest Version
- Updated: Animate.css to the Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Isotope Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: ImagesLoaded Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Paginate Plugin updated to support Bootstrap 4
- Updated: Infinite Scroll Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Flex Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Hoven Intent Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Owl Carousel Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Animsition Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery UI Tabs to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Validation Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Toastr Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Sticky Sidebar Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Charts Plugin to Latest Version

- Improved: Isotope GridInit Function now supports RTL Item Origin
- Improved: Improved Portfolio Full Width Grid Calculations
- Improved: Infinite Scroll Functionality
- Improved: Portfolio 1 Column Layout uses less CSS Codes
- Improved: Post Grid Layouts uses less CSS Codes
- Improved: Slider Captions not hidden on Mobile Devices by default, so you can use Bootstrap Responsive Utilities according to your convenience
- Improved: Hero Blur functionality in Resume Niche Demo Template
- Improved: Google Font links updated

- Fixed: Missing RTL related Image Icons
- Fixed: Issue with Slider Area position when Side Panel (push style) open on Mobile Devices

- Removed: Nivo Slider
- Removed: Camera Slider
- Removed: Elastic Slider
- Removed: Vector Maps
- Removed: Component Editable Fields
- Removed: Stellar Parallax Plugin
- Removed: Smooth Scroll Plugin

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 4.5.1 – 26TH JULY 2017

- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider Templates
- Fixed: Issue with data-scrollto Functionality

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 4.5 – 24TH JULY 2017

- Added: Music Niche Demo
- Added: Car Niche Demo
- Added: Barber Niche Demo
- Added: Pets Niche Demo
- Added: eCommerce Niche Demo
- Added: Business Niche Demo
- Added: Resume Niche Demo
- Added: 5+ Premium Revolution Slider Templates
- Added: Menu on Click Functionality
- Added: Portfolio Full now supports Responsive Column Defining using data-col-** Attribute

- Updated: Revolution Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Visual Editor to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version

- Fixed: LESS/SASS Files and added missing styling
- Fixed: Side Navigation Template. .custom-js class to .customjs
- Fixed: Windows Menu Trigger CSS
- Fixed: .easypiechart class changed to .rounded-skill class in CSS/LESS/SASS files
- Fixed: Issue with .customjs on Tabs Functionality

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 4.4 – 15TH APRIL 2017

- Added: Restaurant Niche Demo
- Added: Photography Niche Demo
- Added: Interior Design Studio Niche Demo
- Added: Writer Niche Demo
- Added: 15 New Revolution Slider Templates
- Added: 50+ Chart Example Templates

- Updated: Revolution Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Visual Editor Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: ChartJS Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: ChartJS Plugin Codes removed from js/plugins.js File and Standalone File used on Chart related Templates.

- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider Video Layer Setting data-videoloop="none" affecting Delays in the Subsequent Slides

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: Real Estate Niche Demo with 3 Hero Layouts
- Added: Sticky Sidebar
- Added: Pricing Toggle Switch in Pricing Template

- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube BG Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Countdown Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Isotope Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Documentation

- Fixed: Issue with Side Tabs in RTL Layout
- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap Focus Color on Anchor Links
- Fixed: Issue with Large Navigation Bullets
- Fixed: Issue with PHPMailer Vulnerabilities
- Fixed: Issue with Helper Classes missing in LESS and SASS
- Fixed: Issue with reCaptcha Validation Implementation

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: 11 Inner Pages for Construction Niche Demo
- Added: 8 Inner Pages for Medical Niche Demo
- Added: New Premium Templates for Revolution Slider
- Added: Option to Disable Placeholder for HTML5 Videos on Mobile Devices
- Added: SASS Files for Responsive and Dark CSS

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider to Latest Version
- Updated: Superfish Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube BG Video Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Text Rotator Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: ImagesLoaded Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Toastr Notification Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Flex Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: DatePicker Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Vector Maps to Latest Version
- Updated: Documentation

- Fixed: Issue with Subscription Form Markup Code in the demo-xmas.html Template
- Fixed: Issue with Team Members List Carousel Markup Code in the team.html Template
- Fixed: Issue with Video Sound Event not working properly for index-video-sound-event.html Template
- Fixed: Issue with Product Overlay overflowing on some Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Responsiveness Component: Select Boxes
- Fixed: Issue with Magnific Popup AJAX Functionality when Closing the Lightbox results in causing issues with the Last Focused Element
- Fixed: Issue with .primary-menu-open Toggle Class incorrectly configured in One Page Scroll Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with inconsistencies with Common Height Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Custom Buttons in Top Cart Content
- Fixed: Issue with Top Account Links in Dark Scheme
- Fixed: Issue with Custom Carousel Linking Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Swiper Slider Dimensions Update JS Conflict
- Fixed: Issue with Blog Timeline Ordering Display in Full Width

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 4.1.1 – 1ST AUGUST 2016

- Added: SASS Files

- Updated: Visual Editor Addon for Revolution Slider to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Undefined Redirect in Quick Contact Forms
- Fixed: Issue with Undefined Redirect in Subscription Forms
- Fixed: Issue with Pages with Side Panels not scrolling on Android Devices

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 4.1 – 28TH JUNE 2016

- Added: New Demo for App Landing
- Added: New Demo for Cafe
- Added: New Demo for Spa
- Added: 10+ New Revolution Slider Templates
- Added: Added Visual Editor Add-On for the Revolution Slider for Building Complex Sliders easily
- Added: Added Off Canvas Mobile Menu Layout
- Added: Split Menu Header Layout
- Added: Profile Page Template
- Added: Boxed Layout for Index Page
- Added: Option to Redirect AJAX Forms on Successful Submission
- Added: Option to Close the Custom Style Boxes
- Added: Combination Filter Functionality Example for Shop Template
- Added: New Button Styles
- Added: New Portfolio Filter Styles
- Added: Option to convert Tabs into Accordion on Responsive Devices
- Added: Support for Static Sticky Menu on Mobile Devices
- Added: Gallery Compatibility between Magnific Lightbox and Owl Carousel
- Added: Option to Choose Default Filter for the Isotope Filter Functionality
- Added: Ability to Play Multiple Youtube BG Videos on the Canvas Swiper Slider
- Added: Option for Reverse Animation in Flex Slider
- Added: Option for Stagger Animation in Grid Container Functionality

- Changed: Increased Font Size for the Custom Style Boxes for Better Design Flow UI/UX

- Updated: Incorrect Documentation URL for Swiper Slider API
- Updated: Incorrect Documentation in Campaign Monitor Subscription File
- Updated: jQuery Updated to v1.12.4
- Updated: IsoTope Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Plugin Updated to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Data Table Component Template duplicate CSS Loading in Header and Footer
- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition Primary Menu Links with the Latest jQuery
- Fixed: Issue with Incorrect Form Action File Location in Contact Form reCaptcha Templates
- Fixed: Issue with the Side Cover Wrapper Slider on Media Agency Niche Demo on some Browsers
- Fixed: Issue with Addition of Email/Call/SMS Links in Primary Menu
- Fixed: Issue with Header Scheme Changer on Canvas Swiper Slider while Header is Sticky
- Fixed: Issue with Isotope Grid in RTL Layouts
- Fixed: Issue with Carousel Navigation Colors when Color Scheme is changed
- Fixed: Issue with Dots Menu Caption BG when Color Scheme is changed
- Fixed: Issue with Slider Parallax Dimension in Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Contact Form File Uploads not going through the Server
- Fixed: Issue with JSON Message Encoding in include/jobs.php File
- Fixed: Issue with Slider Parallax on iPad Landscape Orientation
- Fixed: Issue with Youtube BG Video playing even when Video Autoplay Turned off for Canvas Slider
- Fixed: Issue with Incorrect Message Transmitting for AutoResponders in include/sendemail-autoresponder.php File
- Fixed: Issue with Incorrect Autoresponder Name/Email
- Fixed: Issue with Page Sub Menu/Dots Menu Issue with Primary Menu when using One Page Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Video Alignment in Page Title Video Template
- Fixed: Issue with Top Bar Links uneven Horizontal Alignment when Menu Items have Icons
- Fixed: Issue with Primary Menu's Sub Menu Items Icon Alignment
- Fixed: Issue with Left Padding in Mega Menu Columns
- Fixed: Issue with Portfolio Overlay in Individual Portfolio Items
- Fixed: Issue with Page Menu Items Floats in RTL on Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Star Rating in RTL Mode

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 4.0.1 – 19TH MARCH 2016

- Fixed: Issue with Masonry Thumbs not aligning properly on Full Width Grids
- Fixed: Issue with Owl Sliders not displaying on Slider Areas
- Fixed: Issue with Page Sub Menu inside Content Area not getting Sticky properly
- Fixed: Issue with Side Panel Push Open Issue with .slider-parallax-inner
- Fixed: Issue with One Page Menu Scrolling on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Sub Menu Background Hover on Mobile Devices

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 4.0 – 6TH MARCH 2016

- Added: Ability to Add Selected Widgets in Mega Menus
- Added: Ability to add Mixed Column Mega Menus
- Added: Ability to Add Unlimited Portfolios on a Single Page with Filters
- Added: Ability to Add Unlimited Shops on a Single Page
- Added: Global Function for Activating Isotope & Filter on any Grid
- Added: Speed Improvements, Javascript Optimizations & Less File Sizes
- Added: 2 Custom Inner Pages for the Travel Demo
- Added: Shortcode for Date & Time Pickers
- Added: Shortcode for Bootstrap Editable Fields
- Added: Shortcode for Bootstrap File Uploads
- Added: Shortcode for Range Sliders
- Added: Shortcode for Star Ratings
- Added: Shortcode for Select Picker & Select Boxes
- Added: Shortcode for Styled Toggle Switcher, Radio and Checkboxes
- Added: Bootstrap TypeAhead Component
- Added: Data Tables Component
- Added: 20+ Contact Form Templates with Google reCaptcha, File Uploads & Inline Submission Alerts
- Added: Option to Display an Alternate Menu in Mobile Devices
- Added: Facebook Video & HTML5 Video Embed Examples
- Added: Option to Add Multiple Email Address for Form Emails
- Added: Global Function for Owl Carousel for Easy Carousel Initialization
- Added: Global Function for Canvas Slider for Easy Slider Initialization
- Added: Global Function for Contact Forms
- Added: Global Function for Quick Contact Forms
- Added: Global Function for Subscription Forms
- Added: Contact, Quick Contact and Subscription Forms now show Message Specific Alerts
- Added: Added New Placeholder Images in Package for Better Development
- Added: GoToTop New Options for Easily Modifying Settings
- Added: Option to Enable/Disable GoToTop on Mobile Devices
- Added: Option to Show Avatars in Twitter Feeds
- Added: Boxed Layout Template in the Package
- Added: XXL Size for Styled Icons
- Added: Option to Show Arrows in Main Level Primary Menu for Dropdowns
- Added: Option to enable Element Animate Out

- Updated: Bootstrap Updated to v3.3.6
- Updated: Swiper Slider Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Owl Carousel Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Magnific Popup Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Validation Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery UI Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Toastr Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Morphext Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: MB YTPlayer Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Instafeed Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Jribbble Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Flex Slider Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Mailchimp API Updated to v3.0
- Updated: Dribbble Widget Function

- Fixed: Issue with Slider Parallax on Canvas Slider on Mac OS
- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Menu & Sticky PageMenu on Page Reload on the Middle of the Page
- Fixed: Issue with Background Position of Parallax Images on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Youtube BG Video not working in Canvas Slider
- Fixed: Issue with Backward/Forward Cache on Safari Browsers
- Fixed: Issue with Dribbble Widget not working
- Fixed: Issue with .mpost on Smart Phone Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Post Grid Row Alignment on Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Multi Line Toggle and Accordion Titles
- Fixed: Issue with Video Placeholder Image on Mobile Devices for Canvas Slider
- Fixed: Issue with Side Panel disabling Body Scroll on Android Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Scroll To Highlighting Function
- Fixed: Issue with Google Maps with Transparent Headers on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Windows Mobile Menu Trigger Icon visibility on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Auto Height on Flex Slider Fade Effect
- Fixed: Issue with Side Navigation Arrow alignment
- Fixed: Issue with Notifications Trigger & Visibility
- Fixed: Issue with Page Menu Sticky on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Copyrights Positioning
- Fixed: Issue with Nav Tree Current Item Child Links

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 3.1.1 – 12TH DECEMBER 2015

- Added: Christmas Demo

- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider on Home Shop Template
- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider on One Page Templates with Revolution Slider
- Fixed: Issue with Slider Text and Mobile Image on Home App Showcase Template
- Fixed: Issue with Duplicate <head> Tag and Thumbnails Filter on Revolution Slider Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Incorrect CSS Files Linking in menu-5.html Template
- Fixed: Issue with FlexSlider Thumbs Auto-Size
- Fixed: Issue with .i-overlay Icon Placement
- Fixed: Issue with One Page Menu with Side Headers

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: 80+ Premium Slider Templates for Revolution Slider
- Added: Dropdown Menu functionality for Page SubMenus
- Added: Page SubMenus can now be Individually Sticky and not dependant on the Primary Header

- Updated: Revolution Slider to Latest Version

- Changed: Parallax Plugin only initializes if Parallax Element present on the Page
- Changed: Cookie Notification Function added to js/functions.js

- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Footer on Boxed Layout
- Fixed: Issue with DropDown Arrows on Top Bar Links
- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Header Background Color on Touch Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Cookie Notification Bar blinking on Page Load
- Fixed: Issue with Dark Style Cookie Notification Bar

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 3.0.1 – 10TH NOVEMBER 2015

- Added: Mixed Lightbox Gallery Example
- Added: Negative Height Offset for Full Screen
- Added: Appointments Form Processing PHP File added in Package Files

- Updated: FitVids Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Superfish Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: InstaFeed Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Countdown Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: EasyPieChart Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Morphext Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Infinite Scroll Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer Plugin updated to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Rounded Skills not loading properly if already in view
- Fixed: Issue with iPad View in Media Agency Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Semi Transparent Dark Header while Header Sticky on Window Load
- Fixed: Issue with Page SubMenu top positioning when Header Static Sticky
- Fixed: Issue with Full Screen FlexSlider on Travel and Wedding Demos

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: New Demo for Medical
- Added: New Demo for Media Agency
- Added: New 10+ One-Page Related Demo Layouts
- Added: 5+ Window onLoad Modal Examples
- Added: 100+ Core PSD Files
- Added: Option to show Alternate Logo for Sticky Header and Mobile Devices
- Added: Side Panel Examples
- Added: Sticky Footer and 1 New Footer Layout
- Added: Primary Menu Sub Menu Items now supports Multi-Line Text
- Added: More Options for Instagram Widget Photos Retreival
- Added: Inline Content Lightbox Type
- Added: Cookie Notification Bar
- Added: Option to add Icon Color for Social Icons
- Added: Option to Disable Smooth Scroll
- Added: Responsive Class Functionality
- Added: Navigation Tree now supports OnHover Functionality
- Added: Option to Define Time Out to Disable Page Loading Transition
- Added: Primary Menu now Supports Lightbox Links
- Added: Option to Disable Thumbs/Pagination Dots Reveal Animation on FlexSlider
- Added: Option to Highlight Section when data-scrollto reaches Destination
- Added: Smooth Height Enable/Disable Option for Flex Slider
- Added: Testimonials Grid 1 Layout
- Added: New Helper Classes for Faster Editing
- Added: Option to define Custom Caption Position for Canvas Slider
- Added: Documentation for Side Panel
- Added: Documentation for Modal on Load
- Added: Documentation for Responsive Classes
- Added: Documentation for Favicons and Apple Touch Icons

- Updated: Bootstrap Updated to v3.3.5
- Updated: IsoTope Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: RTL Files for New Base Files
- Updated: Documentation for Instagram Widget

- Changed: .light Class to .dark Class in the Calendar Related Files for better Consistency
- Changed: Page Submenu Styling
- Changed: Moved all the Helper Classes from one-page/onepage.css to Main style.css for Global Access
- Changed: Removed Responsive Device Support for Maximum Scale

- Fixed: Issue with PageTransition triggering on Same Page # Links
- Fixed: Minor Issue with .vertical-middle Class Inline Styling
- Fixed: Issue with .css3-spinner > .css3-spinner-ball-pulse-sync Alignment
- Fixed: Issue with .countdown-inline Text Transform property
- Fixed: Issue with Start/Stop parameters of the Youtube Background Player
- Fixed: Issue with Instagram Feeds not retrieving feeds from the correct username
- Fixed: Issue with Primary Menu Sub Menu Item texts overlapping
- Fixed: Issue with Button in Mobile Devices in contact-5.html Template
- Fixed: Issue with Portfolio Parallax Items on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap Pagination Links Color
- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap Nav Pills Active Background Color not matching with Theme Color
- Fixed: Issue with Contact Form Processing Files when using Custom Buttons

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 2.5 – 10TH JUNE 2015

- Added: RTL Layout Compatibility
- Added: Side Panel Trigger from any Linking Element
- Added: Side Panel can now open from Left/Right Sides
- Added: Side Panel now supports Push or Overlay on open
- Added: New Page Loading Animations
- Added: Option to add any Color to Page Loading Animations
- Added: Option to add Unique List IDs per Subscription Form for Mailchimp
- Added: Campaign Monitor Subscription Forms
- Added: Template for Jobs Form accepting File Uploads
- Added: Option to make the Page SubMenu Invidually Sticky
- Added: Option to Initialize Flex Slider with Custom jQuery
- Added: Option to have a Custom Class for Responsive Headers
- Added: Centralised Template for all the Widgets
- Added: Much Easier & Faster way to create Twitter Feeds including Lists & Sliders

- Updated: Updated jQuery
- Updated: Bootstrap to v3.3.4
- Updated: jQuery IsoTope Plugin
- Updated: Youtube Video Plugin
- Updated: Animate.css Plugin
- Updated: jQuery Chart Plugin
- Updated: Animsition Plugin
- Updated: Documentation for Subscription Forms
- Updated: Documentation for Side Panel

- Changed: Simplified Twitter Feed Code Structure
- Changed: Parallax Function Call Options

- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Menu extra removeStickyness()
- Fixed: Side Panel Better Browser Compatibility
- Fixed: Page SubMenu glitch on Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Header Offset returning jQuery Error when there is no Header present
- Fixed: Issue with Sub Title Menu separators
- Fixed: Issue with Full Screen Slider Parallax on LESS Setup

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 2.1 – 1ST APRIL 2015

- Added: New Demo for Construction
- Added: New Demo for Travel
- Added: New Demo for Minimal Agency
- Added: Multi Level Navigation Tree Widget
- Added: New Tab Styles
- Added: Option for Justify Tabs
- Added: Options to define Columns for Masonry Thumbs in Responsive Mode
- Added: Bordered Transparent Full Header for One Page Module
- Added: Auto Detect Content Size to always keep Footer at the Bottom

- Updated: Improvements to Side Panel on Boxed Layouts
- Updated: Improvements to Portfolio Description Overlay on Window Resize

- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Header on iPad Landscape Orientation on One Page
- Fixed: Issue with Tooltips shifting position of Certain Elements
- Fixed: Issue with Portfolio Parallax Images flickering on Certain Browsers
- Fixed: Issue with Side Panel Scrolling on Mac
- Fixed: Issue with Responsiveness of Description Buttons
- Fixed: Issue with Additional Icons inside Icon Lists
- Fixed: Issue with Featured Box Icon Effects in LESS Files

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: 30 Dedicated One Page Templates
- Added: HTML5 Video Placeholder for Mobile Devices
- Added: Better Support for Team Overlay Social Icons
- Added: Dedicated Mobile Menu for Windows Mobile Devices
- Added: Option to Define Sticky Header Offset
- Added: Option to disable to Pause on Hover for Flex Slider
- Added: Option to add more than one image in Masonry Thumbs data-big

- Updated: Improvements to Side Panel
- Updated: Improvements to Slider Parallax
- Updated: Improvements to Common Height Functionality
- Updated: Improvements to HTML5 Video Functionality

- Fixed: Issue with Widget Paragraphs resizing Lead Texts
- Fixed: Issue with .uppercase Class
- Fixed: Issue with Vertical middle Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Small Centered Featured Box
- Fixed: Issue with Menus on Windows Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Image Initialization

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: Sticky Responsive Menu
- Added: Fade Animation for Lightbox
- Added: 4 New Login/Register Page Layouts
- Added: Cart Page Layout
- Added: Checkout Page Layout
- Added: AJAX Jobs Form for the Career Page
- Added: AJAX RSVP Form for the Wedding Homepage
- Added: Support for Static Sticky Headers
- Added: Support for adding Styled Google Maps
- Added: Additional Options for One Page Menu Scrolling Functionality
- Added: Additional Options for Same Page Scrolling Functionality
- Added: Easier Tabs Initialization
- Added: Option to define Toggle State
- Added: Option to define which Accordion to open by default
- Added: .nocolor CSS check for Heading Spans
- Added: Custom Google Map Functionality in maps.html Template

- Updated: Bootstrap to Version 3.3.2
- Updated: Swiper Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Form Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Validation Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Isotope Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery GMap Plugin Updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Updated Documentation

- Changed: Mailchimp API URL Logic for Auto-Detection of Datacenter based on the API Key
- Changed: Offset Position Detection logic

- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Offset Calculation in Slider Parallax Functionality on Transparent Headers
- Fixed: Issue with resizing of Parallax Images in Page Title Parallax feature on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Canvas Slider 3,4 and 5 Columns
- Fixed: Issue with Icon Line Height on Revolution Slider Arrows on Index Shop
- Fixed: Issue with DIV inside H1 Hierarchy in index-corporate-4.html Template
- Fixed: Issue with some of the Package Images not opening in Photoshop
- Fixed: Media Query Typing Error in less/responsive.less

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 1.3.1 – 12TH JANUARY 2015

- Added: Example for Canvas Slider - Autoplay
- Added: Example for Canvas Slider - Video Button onClick Play/Pause
- Added: Example for Canvas Slider - Pagination

- Updated: Revolution Slider to Latest Version v4.6.4
- Updated: Updated Superfish Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Updated Chartsjs to Latest Version
- Updated: Updated Magnific Popup to Latest Version
- Updated: Header LESS CSS
- Updated: Documentation

- Fixed: Import mislinking in responsive.less & dark.less Files
- Fixed: Issue with Side Panel Content Scrolling on Touch Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Touch Compatibility of Mobile Menus on Windows Mobiles
- Fixed: Issue with Button Resizing in the Revolution Slider on Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Color Switching for Overlay Menu

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: Side Panel Area
- Added: Minimal Overlay Menu
- Added: New Loading Styles for the Page Loading Transitions
- Added: Gallery Support for AJAX Lightbox
- Added: Fading Feature for the Canvas Slider
- Added: LESS Files
- Added: Added Overlay Compatibility to Full Google Maps for Transparent Headers

- Updated: Video Order: webm video source placed above mp4 video source for better caching of the Video Files in the Modern Browsers & this will eventaully reduce your Server's Bandwidth Usage.
- Updated: Bootstrap to V3.3.1
- Updated: Page Loading Transitions Script
- Updated: Removed only screen property from Media Queries in CSS Files
- Updated: Documentation

- Fixed: Issue with Post Content & Sidebar floats in Responsive Devices
- Fixed: z-Index Issue with Toastr Notifications
- Fixed: Issue with Menu Style 5 Icons Font Sizing on Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Smooth Scrolling Disabled on unnecessary Devices & Browsers.
- Fixed: Issue with Header Extras in Firefox & Internet Explorer
- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Menu Classes
- Fixed: Issues with Body Overflow in Lightbox AJAX Type which prevents Double Scrollbars

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

VERSION 1.2.2 – 14TH NOVEMBER 2014

- Fixed: Issue with IE & Mobile Browsers displaying Blank Page
- Fixed: Issue with Top Social's Text Width handling

VERSION 1.2.1 – 13TH NOVEMBER 2014

- Added: Ability to use Custom Speed Duration & Animation Style per Page for Page Load Transitions
- Added: Ability to use any Animate.css Transition for Page Loading Transitions

- Updated: Bootstrap to V3.3
- Updated: Page Load Transitions now uses Native CSS3 Animations from the animate.css library
- Updated: Documentation

- Fixed: Blog Masonry 3 Full Responsive Issue
- Fixed: Issue with $subject variable in sendemail.php File
- Fixed: Wrong Links of Portfolio Masonry in the Menus
- Fixed: Issues with Footer Quick Contact Form in footer-2.html & footer-3.html Files
- Fixed: Some Z-Indexes related Issues for Menus

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: Month/Date Sections for Blog Timeline Full Width
- Added: Infinity Scroll for Blog Timeline
- Added: Ability to use any animation from the animate.css library on Text Rotaters
- Added: colors.php file for easy theme color setup
- Added: fonts.css for Easy Custom Font Management

- Updated: Documentation

- Fixed: Blog Timeline Entry Position Issue
- Fixed: Blog Timeline issues on Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Posts Entry Meta Icon Display issues on Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Sub-Title Menu Dividers on the First Menu Item
- Fixed: IE Display Issue with Text Rotators
- Fixed: Issue with iconlist color importance
- Fixed: Issues with jQuery Widgets
- Fixed: Issue with Mobile Primary Menus on Android Devices

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.


- Added: HTML5 Youtube Video Backgrounds that can be added as a Video Background for any Element.
- Added: Added a Class .no-transition to be added to the body Tag to disable Page Loading Transition.
- Added: Revolution Slider Documentation

- Updated: Documentation

- Fixed: Responsive Sub Menu Width Issue on Full Header
- Fixed: Shopping Cart Dark Scheme Issue
- Fixed: Icon List Color Scheme Issue
- Fixed: One Page Team Layout Issue
- Fixed: Index Shop Bottommost Subscription Section Layout Issue
- Fixed: Landing Page 5 Overlay Form Layout Issue
- Fixed: App Showcase minor Improvements
- Fixed: Heading Blocks Not Dark Issue
- Fixed: Fixed Issue with Vertical Middle in Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Heading Block Text Size on Responsive Device
- Fixed: Primary Menu Sub Title - Sub Menu Font Size Issue

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.